Public Health
Military Exposures & Your Health - 2021 -Issue #5

Welcome to the fifth issue of Military Exposures & Your Health. This newsletter is produced by VA's Health Outcomes Military Exposures, or HOME, the new name for Post Deployment Health Services as of July 18, 2021. This new name reflects the comprehensive work that the service does in policy, research, education, and best practices regarding military environmental and toxic exposures. It reflects the fact that HOME deals not just with deployment-related exposures, but also with occupational and garrison environmental exposures.
This issue of Military Exposures & Your Health includes information about disability benefits for Veterans with respiratory conditions, remote meditation and yoga classes, research findings on Gulf War illness and depleted uranium, directed energy, the Ionizing Radiation Registry, and more. You can also read from Colonel Chris Wright about military medical care in the United Kingdom. Find past issues of this biannual newsletter online.
In this issue...
VA processing disability claims for respiratory conditions related to particulate matter VA is now processing disability claims for eligible Veterans for asthma, rhinitis, and sinusitis based on presumed exposure to particulate matter.
Military medical care in the United Kingdom Read from Colonel Chris Wright about the United Kingdom's military medical care and its partnership with the United States.
VA's WRIISC presents remote meditation and yoga classes to improve your health Learn about free, remote yoga and meditation classes offered by VA's War Related Illness and Injury Study Center.
Karshi-Khanabad (K-2) Read about the K-2 Surveillance Program to assess health outcomes from exposures.
Research Update: No link found between Gulf War illness and depleted uranium Researchers have not found health problems to be associated with exposure to depleted uranium. Researchers and clinicians continue to monitor the health of exposed Veterans.
Qarmat Ali hexavalent chromium exposure in Iraq (2003 -2004) Learn about the Qarmat Ali water treatment plant and follow-up on the health of those who were on site.
Directed energy Directed energy refers to electromagnetic energy sources and can be used in weapons.
VA follows up on NASEM recommendations on respiratory health effects of airborne hazards The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) examined scientific findings on the respiratory health effects of exposure to airborne hazards during deployment to Southwest Asia. NASEM issued a report and made recommendations. VA is addressing these recommendations.
Radiation exposure and the Ionizing Radiation Registry Learn about radiation exposure and eligibility for the Ionizing Radiation Registry program.
Recent research on military exposures Read summaries of research on the health impact of environmental and occupational exposures during military service.
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