Health Care for Veterans
VA offers health care benefits for Veterans who may have been exposed to certain environmental hazards during military service. These services include health registry evaluations and clinical treatment at VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Study Center.
Eligibility for health care benefits

Veterans first must enroll in VA’s health care system to receive care.
There are many ways a Veteran may qualify. VA provides priority enrollment for health care to certain Veterans, including Veterans who have disabilities that VA has determined are military service-connected.
Find out if you qualify for VA health care.
Apply online for VA health care.
Health registry evaluation
VA’s health registry evaluation is free, voluntary, and tailored to Veterans concerned with possible exposures to certain environmental hazards during military service.
VA has established several health registries to track and monitor the health of specific groups of Veterans.
Veterans do not need to enroll in VA’s health care system to take part in health registry evaluations.
Treatment at War Related Illness and Injury Study Center
VA's War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) provides clinical expertise for Veterans with deployment health concerns or difficult-to-diagnose illnesses. WRIISCs are in three locations: Washington, DC; East Orange, NJ; and Palo Alto, CA.
For an appointment at a WRIISC, you need to get a referral. You must be enrolled in and receiving VA health care. Learn how to get a referral to a WRIISC.