Public Health
Military Exposures & Your Health - 2020 -Issue #2

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Welcome to “Military Exposures & Your Health,” a biannual newsletter for Veterans who served from 1990 to the present. This issue highlights Sergeant Major Brian Davis, a Veteran with an impressive military career and experience with environmental health registries. This issue also presents Dr. Anisa Moore, an Environmental Health Clinician who has personally conducted almost 300 Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry health exams through February 2020. In addition, you will find information about garrison exposures and health effects, an update on work on developing a single case definition for Gulf War illness, news on research findings, and more. Find more issues of “Military Exposures & Your Health”.
In this issue...
What is a registry? VA offers a registry for you Learn about registries, including VA’s six environmental health registries.
Sergeant Major Brian Davis – Seventeen deployments and eligibility for three registries Sergeant Major Brian Davis has had an impressive military career in the Army. He has joined environmental health registries related to his service.
VA and DOD - Working to encourage registry awareness and enrollment VA and DoD are planning focus groups, meetings, and more to increase awareness and encourage enrollment in the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry.
Gulf War Presumptions VA presumes service connection and provides disability payments and health care benefits for certain medically unexplained illnesses and infectious diseases.
Epidemiology program research highlight: Risk of mortality among Veterans with service In Bosnia/Kosovo Researchers studied the cause-specific mortality risks among Veterans who deployed to Bosnia/Kosovo as part of peacekeeping forces.
WRIISC research highlight: Study sheds light on what Gulf War Veterans want to hear from their provider Researchers studied communication from health care providers to Veterans with Gulf War illness.
Airborne Hazards And Open Burn Pit Registry: Summaries of data available on the web Every six months, VA publishes an updated summary of self-reported health information from the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry.
VA conducts research to develop a single case definition for Gulf War Illness VA is conducting studies and analyzing data in an effort to develop a single case definition for Gulf War illness.
Golden VA clinic in Colorado excels in completing Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry medical exams VA’s Post Deployment Health Services interviewed Anisa Moore, MD, about Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry health exams and her experience conducting them.
The French Veterans’ Health Observatory - Addressing military exposure concerns in France The French Veterans’ Health Observatory focuses on the health risks associated with environmental exposures among the French military community.
DOD identifies Veterans potentially exposed to chemical warfare agents Some Veterans were exposed to chemical warfare agents while handling or demolishing explosive ordinance during Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation New Dawn.
VA researchers find Gulf War-Era Veterans’ health is worse among females compared to males Researchers compared health problems among male and female Gulf War-era Veterans.
Garrison exposures and health concerns Veterans may have concerns about health effects from garrison exposures, which are environmental exposures that may have been experienced while stationed on a military base.
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