Public Health
National Academy of Medicine releases the latest report in the Gulf War and Health Series

VA asked the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) to review the existing research on possible intergenerational health effects resulting from deployment-related exposures among Gulf War Veterans. On November 28, 2018, NAM released the report, Gulf War and Health: Update 2018, Generational Health Effects of Serving in the Gulf War.
In this report, which is volume 11 in the series, NAM reviewed the scientific literature for several toxic substances, including burning oil wells, pesticides, nerve agents, prophylactic agents, depleted uranium, and vaccines, that may be associated with reproductive, developmental, and epigenetic effects in parents and children. NAM also investigated areas requiring further scientific study and the scope and methodology required to conduct additional research on possible health effects in Veterans’ descendants.
VA is reviewing the content of the report in a formal, multi-step process and performing an independent review of the topic, including a review of studies that were published after the NAM’s literature review. Any recommendations will be sent forward for consideration by VA Secretary Wilkie.
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