Agent Orange Newsletter - 2020

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Welcome to the 2020 issue of the annual Agent Orange Newsletter. This issue covers Agent Orange presumptive conditions; disability compensation for Blue Water Navy Veterans; Agent Orange Registry exams at the El Paso VA Health Care System; research on restrictive pulmonary disease and herbicide exposure; and more. Find past issues of the Agent Orange Newsletter. Find more information for Vietnam-era Veterans.
Blue Water Navy Veterans’ disability claims began Jan.1, 2020 If you served in the offshore waters of the Republic of Vietnam between Jan. 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, then you are a Blue Water Navy Veteran and may now be eligible for disability compensation and other benefits.
VA releases DoD’s revised list of Agent Orange testing and storage locations The Department of Defense updated its list of locations where tactical herbicides were tested or stored outside of Vietnam.
Research on restrictive pulmonary disease and herbicide exposure in Vietnam War Veterans A study of Army Chemical Corps Veterans provided new insights about the impact of herbicide exposure on restrictive respiratory disease.
Agent Orange presumptive conditions VA presumes that some health conditions are related to exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides.
What is a registry? VA offers a registry for you VA’s Post Deployment Health Services offers six environmental health registries. Learn about registries and how to join.
Agent Orange Registry exams at the El Paso VA Health Care System Dr. Mojgan Kaveh- Talley’s clinic at the El Paso VA Health Care System has conducted 8,319 Agent Orange Registry exams through January 2020. Read about her work and about the Agent Orange Registry.
Agent Orange and intergenerational effects The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has reviewed the latest scientific literature on the long-term health effects of Agent Orange and other herbicides, including birth defects in the descendants of Vietnam Veterans, and reported findings.
Mindfulness-based stress reduction classes available by phone for Veterans A free, phone-based program called “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” is available to Veterans of all eras, including Vietnam-era Veterans.