Public Health
WRIISC Clinical Services, Education, and Research for Vietnam Veterans

The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), part of VA’s Post-Deployment Health Services (PDHS), offers clinical services, education, and research aimed at caring for Vietnam Veterans. The WRIISC is located in three cities: East Orange, New Jersey; Washington, DC; and Palo Alto, California. Below is additional information about WRIISC services.

Clinical Care
Multi-Disciplinary Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation: The WRIISC offers clinical evaluations for Vietnam Veterans with chronic, medically unexplained health concerns. The clinical evaluation is designed for Veterans who have had a thorough work-up by other health care providers and still have undiagnosed symptoms that are possibly related to deployment.
Vietnam Veterans can talk to their VA primary care provider about a referral to the WRIISC’s clinical program. Once referred, the WRIISC team will help determine what type of further care is necessary. Learn more about WRIISC clinical care services at
Health Education
Group classes: The WRIISC offers group classes designed specifically for Vietnam Veterans. These classes, titled “Agent Orange: What you need to know,” are taught by experts in environmental exposures. These classes give Vietnam Veterans the most up-to-date knowledge about Agent Orange by both addressing exposure concerns and providing additional resources. They are offered regularly at the WRIISC locations in New Jersey and Washington, D.C. For more information about classes, visit the WRIISC website at
The WRIISC is dedicated to conducting research to improve the well-being of Vietnam Veterans with war-related health problems. WRIISC research projects cover everything from basic science and epidemiology, to human physiology, to treatment studies, implementation, and health outcomes.