Agent Orange Newsletter - Summer 2017

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In this issue...
National Academies of Science Exploring Possible Intergenerational Effects of Agent Orange
VA contracted with the Health and Medicine Division (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine) of the National Academies of Science to review scientific and medical information related to Agent Orange and health problems in Veterans' children and in subsequent generations.
Veterans and Agent Orange— Reports from the National Academies of Science
The Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Science released the report “Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2014.” VA is currently considering recommendations from the report. HMD has also begun its eleventh review “Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2017.”
Agent Orange Registry Health Exam
VA offers the Agent Orange Registry exam, a free evaluation from which Veterans can learn about possible health problems related to their military service.
WRIISC Clinical Services, Education, and Research for Vietnam Veterans
The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) offers clinical services, education, and research aimed at caring for Vietnam Veterans.
Environmental Health Coordinators and Clinicians – Helping Veterans Concerned about Exposures
VA offers several environmental exposure registries for Veterans, including the Agent Orange Registry for Vietnam Veterans. These registries include a clinical exam and guidance on health concerns. Environmental health coordinators and clinicians can guide you through the registry process.
Skin Conditions Qualifying for Presumptive Service Connection - Chloracne and Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
VA established a presumption of service connection for two skin conditions associated with Agent Orange, chloracne and prophyria cutanea tarda. These conditions appear within a year of toxic exposure.
Findings on Blood Pressure from the Army Chemical Corps Vietnam-Era Veterans Study
VA researchers conducted the Army Chemical Corps Vietnam-Era Veterans Health Study and found a link between service-related occupational exposure to herbicides and high blood pressure (hypertension) risk among U.S. Army Chemical Corps Veterans, a group of Veterans assigned to perform chemical operations during the Vietnam War.
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