Public Health
Publications & Reports on Gulf War
VA has developed newsletters and other materials for Veterans, the public, and health care providers about the health effects of Gulf War service and VA services for Gulf War Veterans.
Newsletters — Gulf War Newsletter
The Gulf War Newsletter provides information especially for Veterans who served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm and their families.
As of September 2019, Military Exposures & Your Health replaced the Gulf War Newsletter and Post-9/11 Vet Newsletter. This newsletter is for Veterans who served from 1990 to the present and their families.
Subscribe to email updates and notices of published newsletters.

Last Issue (2019) | PDF (1.6 MB, PDF)
Guides for Clinicians
These guides help health care providers care for Veterans with exposure concerns, malaria, and mild traumatic brain injury.
- Environmental Health Registry Evaluations (630 KB, PDF)
- Malaria: Pocket Guide for Clinicians (430 KB, PDF)
- Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Concussion: Pocket Guide for Clinicians (425 KB, PDF)
WRIISC Fact Sheets
The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) provides fact sheets on health concerns for Veterans, including Gulf War Veterans. The fact sheets listed below discuss Gulf War illness:- Gulf War Illness: Information for Veterans (420 KB, PDF)
- Gulf War Illness: A Guide for Veteran Health Care Providers (551 KB, PDF)
Reports on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses
VA issues reports on Gulf War Veterans’ use of VA benefits and research on health effects. Also, VA contracts with the Health and Medicine Division (HMD) (formally known as the Institute of Medicine) of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to produce reports reviewing the research on health effects of Gulf War service.
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