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Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry Participants by State and Congressional District

Section 808(b)(2) of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022 (also known as the PACT Act) requires VA to make information public about the number of participants in the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (AHOBPR) by State and congressional district.

Below are breakouts for all 50 States, 3 territories, 2 commonwealths, and the District of Columbia.

In total, as of February 19, 2025, there are 4,395,961 Veterans and Service members participating in the AHOBPR.

These numbers will be updated biannually.


Congressional District Number of Participants
1 10,859
2 22,355
3 14,767
4 8,470
5 20,380
6 8,241
7 8,220
Unknown 2,854
State Total 96,146




Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large  26,985
State Total  26,985



American Samoa

Territory Number of Participants
 At Large 556
Territory Total 556

*Small cell counts (<10) were suppressed to preserve Veteran anonymity.




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 6,623
2 10,337
3 6,116
4 8,636
5 11,757
6 24,122
7 11,348
8 9,714
9 18,929
Unknown 2,426
State Total 110,008




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 10,689
2 13,969 
3 10,418
4 9,253 
Unknown 946
State Total 45,275




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,269
2 3,551
3 8,329
4 7,819
5 6,477
6 7,376
7 6,104
8 7,724
9 5,100
10 4,411
11 10,491 
12 2,607 
13 4,210
14 3,385
15 2,695
16 2,643
17 2,454
18 3,255
19 5,868
20 14,060
21 4,718
22 4,324
23 11,611
24 6,078
25 6,465
26 7,936
27 6,745
28 2,973
29  2,797
30  2,594
31  3,822
32  2,905
33  5,265
34  2,488
35 4,870
36 3,157
37 2,274
38 4,082
39 6,671 
40 4,389 
41 12,259
42 4,084
43 3,188
44 4,603
45 4,121
46 3,466 
47 3,834 
48  21,826
49 15,579
50 17,293
51 23,752
52 27,960
Unknown  8,830 
State Total 364,787




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 5,952 
2 6,254
3 9,264
4 11,989
5 49,876
6 9,736 
7 8,938
8 8,062
Unknown 3,351
State Total 113,422




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 4,934
2 9,435
3 4,213
4 2,142
5 4,121
Unknown 305
State Total 21,029




Congressional District Number of Participants
 At Large 14,305
 State Total 14,305



District of Columbia

Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large 8,308
State Total 8,308




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 49,698
2 15,678
3 11,120
4 32,818
5 23,855
6 11,359 
7 10,660
8 18,157
9 10,310
10 8,398
11 10,016
12 13,252
13 9,804
14 13,802
15 12,421
16 18,538
17 7,533
18 8,750
19 6,181
20 5,101
21 7,760
22 3,960
23 4,684
24 3,466
25 5,475
26 3,390
27 3,467
28 6,439
Unknown 6,831
State Total 342,923




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 32,920
2 19,079
3 14,106
4 8,170
5 6,277
6 6,198
7 6,757
8 20,275
9 8,045
10 10,380
11 9,514
12 23,549
13 12,870
14 9,188
Unknown 5,976
State Total 193,304




Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large 5,716
Territory Total 5,716







Congressional District Number of Participants
1 16,866
2 13,976
Unknown 713
State Total 31,555




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 4,392
2 5,187
3 3,035
4 2,545
5 2,787
6 3,691
7 3,333
8 3,570
9 2,875
10 9,205
11 4,760
12 14,542
13 10,765
14 5,728
15 9,787
16 7,681
17 7,067
Unknown 11,075
State Total 112,025




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 6,171
2 6,117 
3 7,390 
4 8,176 
5 7,810
6 9,014
7 5,897
8 8,395
9 8,501
Unknown 853
State Total 68,324




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,202
2 7,829
3 8,877
4 8,547 
Unknown 568
State Total 35,023




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 12,146
2 18,491
3 7,228
4 12,946
Unknown 1,681
State Table 52,492




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 13,201
2 15,556
3 7,324
4 8,393
5 5,912
6 8,487
Unknown 1,598
State Table 60,471




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,422
2 6,689
3 8,173
4 18,661 
5 8,714
6 7,898
Unknown 1,548
State Total 61,105




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 8,432
2 10,620 
Unknown 202
State Total 19,254




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 11,363
2 6,699
3 16,319
4 7,945
5 30,999 
6 9,965
7 5,626
8 6,345
Unknown 3,520
State Total 98,781




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 7,111 
2 5,048
3 5,028
4 4,713
5 3,431
6 4,362
7 2,628
8 4,894
9 6,156
Unknown 743
State Total 44,114




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,951
2 8,304
3 5,447 
4 6,984 
5 7,461 
6 5,055 
7 6,896
8 6,755
9 7,297
10 5,218
11 3,903
12 3,808
13 4,058
Unknown 2,645
State Table 83,782




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 6,606
2 7,675
3 4,890
4 4,836 
5 3,862
6 7,750
7 6,982
8 8,773
Unknown 578
State Total 51,952




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,714
2 7,095
3 10,530
4 19,626 
Unknown 973
State Total 47,908




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 325
2 419 
3 667 
4 1,861 
5 481 
6 813 
7 626
8 609
State Total 5,801




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,063
2 12,425
At Large 313
State Total 21,801




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 14,357
2 8,650
3 6,857
Unknown 643
State Table 30,507



Congressional District Number of Participants
1 10,139
2 12,387
3 11,552
4 20,342
Unknown 1,276
State Table 55,696



New Hampshire

Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,052
2 8,889
Unknown 252
State Table 18,193



New Jersey

Congressional District Number of Participants
1 5,723
2 6,669
3 9,904 
4 4,134
5 2,901
6 3,119
7 3,850
8 2,194
9 2,536
10 2,952
11 2,836
12 2,789
Unknown 1,105
State Total 50,712



New Mexico

Congressional District Number of Participants
1 17,746
2 13,017
3 9,380
Unknown 1,075
State Table  41,218



New York



North Carolina

Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,809
2 8,184
3 37,389 
4 7,024
5 7,151
6 7,642
7 20,777
8 8,359
9 48,365
10 8,386
11 8,108
12 8,630
13 15,291
14 7,180
Unknown 5,164
State table 207,459



North Dakota

Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large 14,591
State Table 14,591



Northern Mariana Islands

Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large  328
Commonwealth Total  328




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 6,537
2 9,123 
3 6,164 
4 8,714 
5 7,463 
6 8,223 
7 6,471 
8 7,153 
9 7,610 
10 16,088 
11 4,678 
12 9,683
13 7,128 
14 7,670 
15 9,011
Unknown 1,864
State total 123,580




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,538
2 10,748 
3 12,119 
4 25,353 
5 16,134 
Unknown 1,383
State Total 75,275




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 7,428
2 9,705
3 5,744
4 8,229
5 8,243
6 7,486
Unknown 770
State Total 47,605




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 5,119
2 3,446 
3 3,729
4 5,115
5 3,894
6 4,974 
7 5,653
8 7,085
9 9,553
10 11,179
11 6,977
12 6,225
13 9,961
14 7,926
15 8,648
16 8,763
17 7,398
Unknown 1,930
State Total 117,575



Puerto Rico

Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large 15,426
Commonwealth Total 15,426



Rhode Island

Congressional District Number of Participants
1 5,296
2 5,552 
Unknown 129
State Total 10,977



South Carolina

Congressional District Number of Participants
1 22,268
2 20,405 
3 9,413
4 8,862
5 16,214
6 15,232
7 10,077
Unknown 3,029
State Total 105,500



South Dakota

Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large 17,396
State Total 17,396




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 11,343
2 10,848
3 10,234
4 11,581
5 8,252
6 9,843
7 29,407 
8 10,844
9 8,340
Unknown 2,344
State Table 113,036




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 9,892
2 11,874 
3 10,502 
4 10,023
5 9,275 
6 10,604 
7 4,572 
8 12,001
9 5,879
10 9,227 
11 34,122 
12 16,181
13 12,637 
14 9,536 
15 8,460 
16 25,149 
17 10,933 
18 5,988 
19 11,852 
20 20,822 
21 23,632 
22 9,096
23 26,041 
24 8,724 
25 11,781 
26 11,414 
27 12,757 
28 18,749 
29 3,807 
30 7,527 
31 32,781 
32 4,919
33 4,449
34 6,631
35 16,926
36 9,090
37 6,766
38 8,289
Unknown 17,571
State Total 490,479



U.S. Virgin Islands

Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large 793
Territory Total 793




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 15,328
2 8,132
3 5,622 
4 7,657 
Unknown 823
State Total 37,562




Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large 7,197
State Total 7,197




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 20,748
2 59,276
3 48,617 
4 14,960 
5 10,083 
6 9,405
7 34,681
8 24,122
9 8,027
10 17,289
11 19,918
Unknown 8,945
State Total 276,071




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 8,592
2 16,145 
3 12,166 
4 7,335 
5 15,156 
6 23,109 
7 5,548 
8 11,283
9 6,749
10 31,926
Unknown 3,071
State Total 141,080



West Virginia

Congressional District Number of Participants
1 10,581
2 13,970 
Unknown 301 
State Total 24,852




Congressional District Number of Participants
1 7,731
2 6,597 
3 9,192 
4 4,164 
5 6,559 
6 7,381 
7 8,625
8 7,656
Unknown 595
State Table 58,500




Congressional District Number of Participants
At Large  12,363
State Total  12,363