Fibromyalgia: What you need to know

Fibromyalgia is a health condition characterized by unexplained pain throughout the body. Symptoms include:
- At least 3 months of unexplained pain in the muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues
- Points on the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, or legs that are tender and hurt with pressure
- Additional health problems such as sleep disturbances, headaches, memory problems, or morning muscle stiffness
Symptoms can be managed: Researchers and health care providers do not currently know a direct cause or cure for fibromyalgia. However, Veterans can work with their health care team to manage symptoms. Prescription drugs are available to treat fibromyalgia. If you are concerned about symptoms related to fibromyalgia and would like to learn about health care options for Gulf War Veterans, go to or call 1-877- 222-8387. Also, you can talk to an Environmental Health Coordinator near you about your concerns
Fibromyalgia is a presumptive illness for Gulf War Veterans: VA presumes that some health conditions, including fibromyalgia, were caused by military service. As a presumptive illness, Veterans do not have to prove an association between fibromyalgia and their military service. The condition must be at least 10 percent disabling and have first appeared sometime between active duty in the Southwest Asia theater of military operations and December 31, 2021. Learn more about presumptive service connection and benefits for Gulf War Veterans at or call 1-800-827-1000.
More information about fibromyalgia is available at