Gulf War Newsletter - Winter 2016

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In this issue...
Gulf War Remembered—VA Employees and Veterans Reflect on Experiences
To mark the 25th anniversary of the start of Operation Desert Storm, VA wants to remember and honor those who served by sharing reflections on the war from VA employees—many of whom are also Gulf War Veterans.
Research Spotlight: Can Light Therapy Help the Brain?
Researchers at the VA Boston Healthcare System are testing the effects of light therapy on brain function in Veterans with Gulf War Illness.
Health of Gulf War and Gulf War Era Veterans
The results of a recent survey on the physical and mental health of Gulf War and Gulf War Era Veterans indicate that more than 20 years after the war, Veterans who were deployed continue to report poorer health than Veterans who did not deploy.
VA to Release New Health and Wellness Apps for Veterans
VA is launching a number of mobile apps to help Veterans live healthier lives. Learn about how these apps can help Veterans manage their health care and find out when and where to download them.
Gulf War Presumptives
For Gulf War Veterans who may experience a cluster of medically unexplained chronic symptoms including fatigue, headaches, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, dizziness, respiratory disorders, and memory problems, VA presumes that some health conditions were caused by military service.
The Fastest Way to Get a Disability Claim Decision
With the help of their local Veterans Service Officer, Veterans can file an electronic claim, or eClaim, through eBenefits and get a faster VA decision.
Have You Heard of Exposure Ed?
VA launched a new mobile app, Exposure Ed, to help health care providers better address Veterans’ questions about the health effects of military exposures and exposure-related benefits and services.
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