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Deputy Director, Epidemiology Program
William J. Culpepper II, PhD, MA
Dr. William (Joel) Culpepper joined Health Outcomes Military Exposures (formerly Post Deployment Health Services) as Deputy Director of the VA Epidemiology Program in 2018. Before this position, he was Associate Director for Epidemiology & Informatics, Multiple Sclerosis Center of Excellence, at the Baltimore VA Medical Center and was faculty at University of Maryland for 18 years. His interests include multiple sclerosis, neuroepidemiology, epidemiology of chronic disease, and environmental epidemiology.
In his academic career, Dr. Culpepper was consistently funded for nearly 20 years and is widely published. Additionally, he has served on several national advisory/executive boards (e.g., Consortium of MS Centers, VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence) and has been a reviewer for numerous journals (e.g., JAMA Neurology, Lancet, Neurology, Clinical Epidemiology, Am J Epidemiology) and funding agencies (e.g., VA HSRD & RRD, National MS Society, Consortium of MS Centers).
Dr. Culpepper earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, his Master of Arts in Experimental Psychology from Bowling Green State University, and his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi.