Gulf War Newsletter - Spring 2015

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Proactive Pain Management: 10 Ways to Manage Your Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can last a long period of time, even if it comes and goes. This is something that many adults suffer from, and it is one of the symptoms often reported by Gulf War Veterans. In fact, nearly all Gulf War Veterans referred to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) report chronic pain as one of their top complaints.
The Fastest Way to Get a Disability Claim Decision
If you’re a Veteran who needs to file a disability compensation claim for the first time or you need to submit a new claim for a previous service-related condition, there is now a faster, easier way to get a claim decision. With the help of your local Veterans Service Officer, you can file an electronic claim, eClaim, through eBenefits and get a faster VA decision.
Gulf War Registry: Three Reasons to Participate
Are you a Gulf War Veteran interested in your health and ensuring the health of fellow Veterans? Consider joining VA’s Gulf War Registry. Established in 1990, the Gulf War Registry is an important resource for understanding the health of the military personnel who served in Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, and New Dawn.
Gulf War Presumptives
For Gulf War Veterans, VA presumes that unexplained symptoms are related to Gulf War service if a Veteran has experienced them for six months or more. The “presumptive” illness(es) must have first appeared during active duty in the Southwest Asia theater of military operations or by December 31, 2016, and be at least 10 percent disabling.
VA Announces New Work Group to Study Brain Cancer in Gulf War Veterans
Members of VA’s Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses have expressed concerns about the possible association between exposure to chemical nerve agents and the occurrence of brain cancers in Gulf War Veterans.
Make a Difference and Participate in Gulf War Research
Do you have an interest in making a difference in the health and well-being of fellow Veterans? Consider becoming a volunteer for a clinical trial. VA and other research organizations are actively evaluating the health effects of Gulf War service.
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