Ebola Virus Disease
No significant risk in the U.S.
Several cases of Ebola have been reported in the U.S. The risk of an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. is very low according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Ebola Virus Virion
CDC/Cynthia Goldsmith
The Ebola virus is spread by close contact with an infected person's blood or bodily fluids. There is no risk to anyone who does not have such close contact.
Learn more about how Ebola is spread from the CDC.
Efforts to control the outbreak
Government agencies responsible for public health, including CDC and VA, are taking steps to respond to the rapidly changing situation.
VA has put together multiple working groups to:
- Monitor the situation
- Coordinate efforts with local, state, and Federal public health groups
- Educate VA health care staff by providing training exercises, national calls, and up-to-date guidance on infection control and prevention, including screening and care of sick patients and personal protective equipment
The Ebola outbreak is currently in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Learn what CDC is doing to take precautions in the U.S. and respond in West Africa.
Travel warnings and precautions for West Africa
CDC has issued travel notices encouraging U.S. citizens to:
- Avoid unnecessary travel to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
- Practice enhanced precautions if traveling to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Stay up-to-date
Visit CDC's Ebola website for the latest information on the outbreak.